Kristie Griffith's Blog/Article Archive.

Kristie Griffith is a Writer/producer. This is her space.

Posts Tagged ‘writing

Travel Channel Academy Bootcamp-NYC

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I just graduated the Travel Channel Academy’s intensive VJ bootcamp in New York City and had the time of my life. For my final project I hung out underneath the Brooklyn Bridge and filmed skaters. I met a guy named Cheeto-a very cool cat and grafitti artist. I’ll throw up my minute film piece on him later this week.I now have the skills to travel anywhere in the world with my laptop and HD camera and make stories that are broadcast quality for television and the web.These pieces are ready for broadcast as produced. That includes editing, voice-overs, music, etc. In effect, I am the producer-editor-camera chick-writer-director-talent, etc. This is the future of television and broadcasting.