Kristie Griffith's Blog/Article Archive.

Kristie Griffith is a Writer/producer. This is her space.

My Footage is airing on Fuel TV’s The Daily Habit

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In the past couple of months I went to Los Angeles and tagged along with skater/artist Lia H. on some cool night shoots. One of my profiles on her just ran in L.A. Weekly. I brought my video camera along and took footage of a couple of night outings sneaking into skate parks and just following her while she does her thing. She is going to be on Fuel TV’s The Daily Habit this week and my footage will be used in the montage they edit together on her. Her episode will air July 23rd….Check it out! xoxo

Written by kristieg

July 7, 2008 at 3:01 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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